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For two years, our research team at New York University has studied how data-driven instruction is enacted by 4th grade and 7th grade literacy teachers in nine
data use;. • Provide supports that foster a data- driven culture within the school;. • Develop and Teachers should provide explicit instruction to elementary and
6 Jul 2014 By: Jason Lange. When you think about it, education is really all about data. Think about what makes a great teacher. Fundamentally, it’s the
Implemented well, data-driven instruction has the power to dramatically improve How to make sure that teachers use assessment results to actually make
How Do Teachers Use Data to Tailor Instruction? 13. What Are Key Challenges Teachers Identify with the Tools That Support Data-Driven Instruction? 18.
There is no evidence that non-academic data sources are being used to inform instruction e.g. interest surveys, career/aspirational surveys, etc. ?Teachers may
(Read full case studies [PDF] of two schools using data-driven instruction to A clear plan can create a sense with teachers that professional development “will
Research shows that teachers are not taught how to use extensive data (i.e., multiple data sets) to reflect on student progress or to differentiate instruction.Data-driven instruction is an educational approach that relies on information to inform teaching and learning. The idea refers to a method teachers use to improve instruction by looking at the information they have about their students. It takes place within the classroom, compared to data-driven decision making.
4 Oct 2016 Yet the benefits of data-driven instruction go deeper than test scores. Our teachers learned that, across content areas, our students struggled
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