US news – 25-10-21

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    Russian special services are in contact with the Taliban movement (banned in Russia) to ensure the safety of Russians in Afghanistan. The meaning of such contacts was explained by the special representative of the President of Russia for Afghanistan, the head of the second Department of Asia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zamir Kabulov. His words were heard at an online conference, reports TASS.

    “There are such contacts, and they are absolutely justified and necessary. This concerns the security of our embassy, our citizens who live in Afghanistan,” the diplomat said on the issue of dialogue with the Taliban. He noted that a small number of Russians remained on Afghan territory. According to him, if they want to leave Afghanistan, Russia will provide them with such an opportunity.

    On August 26, Russian Ambassador to Kabul Dmitry Zhirnov said that about a hundred Russians remained in Afghanistan. The diplomat noted that they “did not voice their collective desire to leave.” He also confirmed that Russia has evacuated 360 of its citizens from Afghan territory with the help of special flights since the Taliban came to power.

    The militants entered Kabul on August 15. On the same day, the current President of the country, Ashraf Ghani, abdicated from power and fled to the United Arab Emirates. According to some reports, he took a large amount of money from the state budget with him, but the information has not yet been confirmed. On September 7, the terrorists announced the composition of the new government of Afghanistan.

    Sponsors of the news on October 25:

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