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Hey there, as of right now I’m a 224 Xenon on Reboot. Xenon by far has the potential to be one of the strongest classes. With that being said I
For MapleStory on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled “AP guide for Xenon?”. of each new class since I usually get interested in playing them later.
Race: Resistance; Class: Thief and Pirate; Maximum level: 250; Primary Stat: STR, DEX, and LUK; Weapons: Whip Blades (Primary), Controllers (Secondary).
28 Jul 2018 Woo! Xenon Guide all set and updated 😀 Dual Blade is coming out next so stay tuned everyone! Timestamps: Xenon’s Skills – (0:37) Fifth Job V
How should i ap build my xenon, i have no idea why he has 3 main What Class Should You Make Megathread MapleStory Subreddits ?.Xenon is a Thief/Pirate hybrid class who uses STR, DEX, and LUK as his []Rest
MapleStory blows other MMOs away with its 32 character classes. Kidnapped by the Black Wings, Xenon was experimented on and given cybernetic
Kidnapped by the Black Wings, Xenon was experimented on and given cybernetic enhancements. HOME › GAME GUIDE › CLASSES AND JOBS › XENON
Xenon is a more complicated class, being a mix of Thief and Pirate; he can MapleStory – Unlimited Xenon Animated Intro MapleStory Xenon Anime Video.
3 Nov 2018 CLASS: Resistance. Ayumilove MapleStory Xenon 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Job Skill Preview Xenon 1st Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed. 0.
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