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    un resolution 1973

    libyan civil war

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    resolution 1973 still in force

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    UN Security Council Resolution 1970 (2011). For. Against Abstain. China. France. Russia. United Kingdom. United States of America. Bosnia and Herzegovina.27 Feb 2011 Yesterday the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1970, whereby it (1) imposed an arms embargo on Lybia; (2) imposed
    United Nations. S/RES/1970 (2011)*. Security Council. Distr.: General. 26 February 2011. 11-24558* (E). *1124558*. Resolution 1970 (2011). Adopted by the
    26 Feb 2011 Title, Security Council resolution 1970 (2011) [on establishment of a Security Council Committee to monitor implementation of the arms
    26 Feb 2011 S/RES/1970. Overview of Security Council Resolution. This resolution referred the situation in Libya to the ICC, imposed an arms embargo and
    1970. Resolution Date: 26 February 2011. Sanctions_committees: Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1970 (2011) concerning Libya.
    17 Mar 2011 The Security Council,. Recalling its resolution 1970 (2011) of 26 February 2011,. Deploring the failure of the Libyan authorities to comply with
    26 Feb 2011 The Security Council, “Expressing grave concern at the situation in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and condemning the violence and use of (.
    United Nations Security Council Resolution 1970 was a measure adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council on 26 February 2011. It condemned the use
    Resolutions adopted by the Security Council in 2011. S/RES/2032 (2011), Reports of S/RES/1970 (2011), Peace and security in Africa. S/RES/1969 (2011)

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