Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis: Stoffe L-Z, Volume 5. Hermann Hager. Springer, 1999 – Materia medica – 935 pages. 0 Reviews. Dieser Band des Gebietes Stoffe enthAlt in alphabetischer Reihenfolge als ErgAnzung zum Hauptwerk Monographien A1/4ber Arzneistoffe, Hilfsstoffe, Impfstoffe
Spices are made from a number of species in this genus, especially Zanthoxylum piperitum, Z. simulans, Z. bungeanum, Z. schinifolium Z. nitidum, Z. rhetsa, Z. alatum, and Z. acanthopodium. Sichuan pepper is most often made by grinding the husks that surround Z. piperitum berries. [19] In the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Goa in Western India, the berries of Z. rhetsa are sun-dried and
Pheniramine Pheniramine (INN, trade name Avil, among others) is an antihistamine with anticholinergic properties used to treat allergic conditions such as hay fever or urticaria. It has relatively strong sedative effects, and may sometimes be used off-label as an over-the-counter sleeping pill in a similar manner to other sedating antihistamines such as diphenhydramine.
Caracteristiques. Ye una planta herbal perenne que puede llegar a tener unes dimensiones de 1 metro. Destaca’l so rizoma, que ye bien desenvueltu.Les fueyes son basales y apaecen dempues del floriamientu, tienen un peciolu bien llargu y pueden llegar a midir 30 cm de llargor. Les fueyes son grandes y arrondaes de 40-70 cm, dispuestes nun tarmu d’unos 80-120 cm. Ensin estipules, alternes
Talinolol je beta blokator. [1] To je smjesa dva izomera hemijskih spojeva iz grupe derivata ureje [2] koje medicinski djeluje na smanjenje krvnog pritiska pa se koristi kao antihipertenzijski lijek.
Zanthoxylum Zanthoxylum (including genus Fagara) is a genus of about 250 species of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs in the citrus or rue family, Rutaceae, native to warm temperate and subtropical areas worldwide. It is the type genus of the tribe Zanthoxyleae in the subfamily Rutoideae.
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