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PARTNERS DIRECTORY Partners who are nonresident taxpayers of New Jersey are subject to the gross on which the Form NJ-1065 is required to be filed.
Nonresident partners that have income or loss from New Jersey sources “Corporation Allocation Schedule” and file it with Form NJ-1065 Partnership Return and pay any applicable tax due. be reported on Line 1 of the Partners Directory.
2000 Form NJ-1065. 7. Partner’s Directory. PARTNER’S DIRECTORY. List the partners in partnership, beginning with the partner who holds the largest share.
Final Return. ¤. Composite Return is filed for Nonresident Partners. ¤ PARTNERS DIRECTORY. List all partners (Complete this schedule before completing Form NJ-1065) To be accepted, a diskette must be 3 ?” MS-DOS compatibleNonresident partners that have income or loss from New Jersey sources “Corporation Allocation Schedule” and file it with Form NJ-1065 Partnership Return and pay any applicable and K on the Partners Directory for each nonresident.