Sennheiser ew 550 g2 manual transfer >> Download / Read Online
El sistema Sennheiser EW100 G2 permite la conectividad y la produccion optimizada de alta calidad de audio/video de forma facil de usar. El EW100 G2 ofrece a los musicos y trabajadores audio / visuales un sistema integrado de transmisor/receptor integrado.
The Sennheiser EW100 G2 system allows for easy to use, streamlined connectivity and high quality audio/video production. The EW100 G2 provides musicians and audio/visual workers with an integrated transmitter/receiver arrangement. Learning to use the EW100 G2 may seem daunting, but Sennheiser designed the system to be
The ew 100 G3 evolution wireless series 4 The ew 100 G3 evolution wireless series With the ew 100 G3 evolution wireless series, Sennheiser offers high-quality state-of-the-art RF transmission systems with a high level of op erational reliability and ease of use. Transmit-ters and receivers permit wireless transmission with studio-quality sound.
Using the NET 1, the following Sennheiser systems can be configured: 1. Evolution wireless systems of the ew 300 G2, ew 500 G2, ew 550 G2 series. 2. 3000/5000 series systems, consisting of EM 3532, SK 5212, SKM 5200 and SKP 3000. 3. Combined systems, consisting of devices of the evolution wireless G2 series and the 3000/5000 series.
An animated instructio n manual can be viewed on the SK 100 G3 product page on our website at http://www.sennheiser.com. 2 (ew G3). With this series, Sennheiser offers high-quality state-of-the-art RF transmission systems with a high level of operational reliability and ease
Set ew 101 consists of: EM 100 receiver, SKP 100 plug-on transmitter, plug-in mains unit, battery, antennas and operating manual. Set w 101-p Having the same transmitter as the Set ew 101, this system replaces the mains receiver with a pocket receiver for camera-mounted applications.
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