World news – 30.10.21

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    If the German government does not take measures in the near future to resolve the situation with migrants on the border with Poland, this will lead to a collapse and a migration crisis that the state experienced in 2015. This was stated in an interview with Bild by the head of the German police union, Heiko Teggats.

    He called the thousands of illegal immigrants who daily “cross the country’s borders in the east and south” a wake-up call and a problem that requires an early response from the authorities. “This is not intimidation, but irrefutable facts. These figures are operated by the ministry itself,” Teggats said.

    The police union was afraid that the government’s inaction could lead to the “collapse of the security architecture at the border” and uncontrolled entry of migrants. Teggats said that he had written a letter to Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer demanding to introduce temporary control at the border with Poland. He indicated that he had been waiting for a response to his request from the official for two weeks, and urged the government not to postpone the problem, but to “act quickly.”

    In turn, Seehover confirmed to Bild that “for the first time in many years” the number of migrants arriving in the country in one day exceeded a thousand people. He stressed that the Ministry should take urgent measures.

    On October 26, the German Interior Ministry revealed the scheme of the “Belarusian transit” of refugees to the European Union. According to the representative of the German Interior Ministry, Steve Alter, before arriving in Belarus, citizens of Middle Eastern countries receive a 30-day visa through a travel agency, paying a deposit of four to 12 thousand dollars. After a sufficient number of people are recruited, the border guards help them get to Poland. On the Polish side, the refugees determine the location of the person who will take them further west to Germany.

    The migration crisis on the borders of Belarus and the European Union began at the end of May. Large groups of illegal migrants from Africa and the Middle East began to storm the borders of Lithuania, Poland and Latvia in the hope of obtaining asylum in the European Union. In Vilnius, it was suggested that the Belarusian authorities use their national tour operator Centercourt to ferry migrants to the EU borders and earn money from it.

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