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    ASCO????????????? – Published Ahead of Print on April 2, 2012 as 10.1200/JCO.2011.39.9436 The lat





    Las personas excedidas de peso tienen menos probabilidad de sobrevivir al cancer y una razon podria ser una sorprendente desigualdad: los obesos reciben un tratamiento insuficiente. Las personas excedidas de peso tienen menos probabilidad de sobrevivir al cancer y una razon podria ser una sorprendente desigualdad: los obesos reciben un tratamiento insuficiente. Los medicos frecuentemente les aplican menos quimioterapia porque no basan la dosis en el tamano, como deberian
    Die American Society of Clinical Oncology hatte ein Gremium aus Experten in internistischer wie gynakologischer Onkologie, in klinischer Pharmakologie, Pharmakokinetik, Pharmakogenetik und Biostatistik sowie einen Patientenvertreter einberufen. Erarbeitet wurden Empfehlungen fur die zytotoxische Chemotherapie bei Adiposen.
    ASCO????????????????????????????????? ?? ??????: Aaron Tallent 571-483-1371 Aaron.Tallent@asco.org ?..
    Now, the largest organization of doctors who treat cancer, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, aims to change that. The group has adopted guidelines urging full, weight-based doses for the obese. Don’t call it supersizing; it’s right-sizing cancer care, said Dr. Gary Lyman, a Duke University oncologist who led the panel that wrote the
    PDF | On Jul 1, 2012, Jennifer J Griggs and others published Appropriate Chemotherapy Dosing for Obese Adult Patients With Cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline
    The right dose to the right patient – chemotherapy adaption in specific situations Carsten Bokemeyer Guideline Methodology: Systematic Review ©2010 by American Society of Clinical Oncology Thrombocytopenia grade 3 or 4. Gold, red, and blue indicate previous
    Obese people are less likely to survive cancer, and one reason may be a surprising inequality: The overweight are undertreated. Doctors often short them on chemotherapy by not bas
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