
  • Police in Jamaica have arrested a priest who declared himself a prophet, Kevin Smith, on suspicion of murdering two people. This is reported by the Jamaica Observer.

    Together with the cleric, 41 of his followers were detained. According to investigators, Smith performed a ritual of human sacrifice during the Sunday service, cutting the throat…[Read more]

  • Russian special services are in contact with the Taliban movement (banned in Russia) to ensure the safety of Russians in Afghanistan. The meaning of such contacts was explained by the special representative of the President of Russia for Afghanistan, the head of the second Department of Asia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zamir Kabulov. His…[Read more]

  • Ukrainian citizens Lev Parnas and Andrey Kukushkin were found guilty of illegal financing of the US elections. This is stated in the message of U.S. Attorney Damian Williams, published on the website of the United States Department of Justice.

    A federal jury in New York unanimously concluded that the defendants illegally sent money to the…[Read more]

  • Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople was hospitalized at the George Washington University Hospital in Washington. This is reported by the publication “Ethnikos Kirikas”.

    The Patriarch was hospitalized during his 12-day visit to the United States. It is noted that he felt unwell due to fatigue from a long journey and the program of events.…[Read more]

  • The states of Eastern Europe were afraid of switching the focus of the United States from Russia to the confrontation with China. This is reported by Defense News.

    According to the publication, the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, at a meeting of NATO ministers, said that the technological sphere will become one of the main ones in…[Read more]

  • The administration of US President Joe Biden is pursuing an indecisive policy towards Russia. This was stated by retired Lieutenant General, former commander-in-chief of the US army in Europe Ben Hodges to the Ukrainian TV channel Hromadske.

    To date, Hodges holds the position of a leading expert at the Washington Center for European Policy…[Read more]

  • The US State Department reacted to the statements of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan about his intention to declare the ambassadors of ten countries persona non grata and expel them from the country. This is reported by RIA Novosti.

    “We have read these reports and are seeking clarity from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” a…[Read more]

  • After an attack by an armed group of people on a prison in the Nigerian state of Oyo, about 800 prisoners escaped from it. Correctional officers were able to quickly detain more than 250 people, and some surrendered voluntarily, but 575 managed to escape and are currently wanted, The Sun Nigeria reports.

    During the attack, firearms, grenades…[Read more]

  • The hysteria of the West towards Russia and the unwillingness to truly understand Vladimir Putin have led to the appearance on the world stage of the “most dangerous version” of the Russian president. CNN writes about this.

    The publication quotes the words of the former commander of the Estonian Defense Forces, General Riho Terrace, who…[Read more]

  • The states of Eastern Europe were afraid of switching the focus of the United States from Russia to the confrontation with China. This is reported by Defense News.

    According to the publication, the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, at a meeting of NATO ministers, said that the technological sphere will become one of the main ones in…[Read more]

  • After an attack by an armed group of people on a prison in the Nigerian state of Oyo, about 800 prisoners escaped from it. Correctional officers were able to quickly detain more than 250 people, and some surrendered voluntarily, but 575 managed to escape and are currently wanted, The Sun Nigeria reports.

    During the attack, firearms, grenades…[Read more]

  • After an attack by an armed group of people on a prison in the Nigerian state of Oyo, about 800 prisoners escaped from it. Correctional officers were able to quickly detain more than 250 people, and some surrendered voluntarily, but 575 managed to escape and are currently wanted, The Sun Nigeria reports.

    During the attack, firearms, grenades…[Read more]

  • The representative of the Afghan Foreign Ministry, Abdul Kahar Balkhi, reacted to the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin about possible plans to remove the radical Taliban movement from the official list of terrorists (banned in Russia). This is reported by RIA Novosti.

    According to Balkhi, the Afghan side welcomes the statement of the…[Read more]

  • At least 17 people, including civilians, were killed as a result of armed clashes between the Taliban (a radical movement banned in Russia) and an armed group in the city of Herat in the north-west of Afghanistan. This is reported by TASS with reference to the newspaper “Ettelaat-e Ruz” (Etilaat Roz).

    According to the publication, in the…[Read more]

  • Ukrainian citizens Lev Parnas and Andrey Kukushkin were found guilty of illegal financing of the US elections. This is stated in the message of U.S. Attorney Damian Williams, published on the website of the United States Department of Justice.

    A federal jury in New York unanimously concluded that the defendants illegally sent money to the…[Read more]

  • A catastrophic situation is developing in Afghanistan. This was stated by the Minister of Defense of Tajikistan, Colonel-General Sherali Mirzo, RIA Novosti reports.

    He noted that this conclusion follows from a number of factors: the absence of a legitimate and inclusive government, functioning mechanisms of state power, as well as systematic…[Read more]

  • Germany will not support the United States in a military confrontation with China. The speaker of the parliamentary faction of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) on foreign policy, Nils Schmid, told about this in the podcast “Merkel’s Last Dance” of the Deutsche Welle edition.

    He said that the new German government would advocate a…[Read more]

  • In the US state of Missouri, the “most terrible” criminal was arrested. This is written by The Smoking Gun.

    The face of 46-year-old Michael Campbell (Michael Campbell) is completely covered with tattoos. A pentagram is visible on his forehead, and a spider “sits” on his nose.

    A man was detained after he broke into someone else’s house and…[Read more]

  • The popularity of US President Joe Biden during his nine months in office has fallen more than the rating of any other leader of the country since the Second World War. This is reported by The Telegraph with reference to the results of research by the American Institute of Public Opinion Gallup.

    In particular, Biden’s presidential rating…[Read more]

  • The US State Department has listed Russians who want to get an American visa as “Homeless Nationalities”. The report is published on the agency’s website.

    It is clarified that this category includes citizens of those countries in which the United States does not have a consular representation or whose political situation is considered so…[Read more]

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