// Instruction set z80 cpu -684-

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    Z80 CPU. User’s Manual. UM008004-1204. This publication is subject to December. 2004. 04. Z80 Instruction. Set. Corrected discrepancies in the bit patterns
    Refer to the Z80 user manual for a detailed explanation of the instruction set. For more information on undocument instructions, refer to Sean Young’s extensive
    Z80 CPU Central Process Unit. • The instruction set contains 158 instructions. The 78 instructions of the. 8080A are included as a subset; 8080A and Z80*
    Z80 CPU. User Manual iii. Revision History. Each instance in the following revision history table reflects a change to this document .. Z80 Instruction Set .
    88888 000 | | Z 8 8 0 0 | | Z 8 8 0 0 0 | | Z 88888 0 0 0 | | Z 8 8 0 0 0 | | Z 8 8 0 0 | | ZZZZZZZ 88888 000 | | | | Z80 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary
    8 Bit Transfer Instructions. 8080 Mnemonic, Z80 Mnemonic, Machine Code, Operation. MOV, A,A, LD, A,A .. Double Byte Subtract With Borrow-In Instructions.
    0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. 0, nop, ld bc,**, ld (bc),a, inc bc, inc b, dec b, ld b,*, rlca, ex af,af’, add hl,bc, ld a,(bc), dec bc, inc c, dec c, ld c,*, rrca.
    6 Jan 2016 Here is a page for instructions that you can use in a z80 processor. Click on the instruction to gain more information about the specific
    For convenience, we have also attached a complete Reference User Manual of the Z80 CPU, describing all aspects; hardware organisation, detailed instructionArithmetic instructions on the Z80 set it to indicate 8080, as DAA was defined for addition only on that processor.

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